Online psychotherapy

People have been skeptical of online relationships, as well as online psychotherapy. But there is
absolutely no doubt that people are able to establish a relationship online (colleagues, friends…).
The same thing is true for online therapy . Some people are very skeptical about this, but the
evidence is very clear, in my opinion, online therapy is possible and can be very effective… ..
Online psychotherapy is a new type of psychotherapy, which is in some ways similar, and in some aspects different from face-to-face therapy…
“John Suler Professor of Psychology at Rider”
Over the past few years, online therapy has rapidly become a reality not only in the United States,
where great distances have favored the search for a new way of doing therapy, but also in Europe and Italy.

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Why online psychotherapy is increasingly used ?

There are several reasons why online psychotherapy has assumed such an important position: an
increasingly frenetic and overloaded life that prevents us from finding a space for ourselves.
The causes that sometimes stop people from physically approaching a psychology study can be: work commitments abroad, physical handicaps, which prevent the achievement of the study, or even psychological impediments, such as shame or anxiety. In these cases, online psychotherapy can help people to start a psychotherapy without having to leave their homes.

Online psychotherapy is a fundamental resource in times of pandemic

This historic moment, with the Covid-19 epidemic, has greatly favored the spread of online psychological interviews, becoming the only possible way to meet a mental health professional during the months of total lockdown.
All this has highlighted the resources made available by the development of technology, their importance for staying in touch with others and for communicating with others. Online therapy is today not only a tool in cases of need ,but a way to do therapy, valid and effective.
In fact, the experience created through the web can be understood (overall) as a psychological space, where the interlocutor, even if virtual behind a screen, is present with all his baggage of emotions, perceptions and thoughts. Therefore the interpersonal relationship on Internet can reach the same level of communication as the face-to-face meeting.

How to use online psychotherapy

But how does online psychotherapy take place?
Online psychotherapy takes place via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, or other platforms where it is possible to make a video call.
For more information and to arrange a first appointment, you can contact me by email or by phone.

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Dottoressa Isabella Bonapace 
Psicologa Psicoterapeuta della Gestalt

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